Sunday, November 6, 2016

How To Create and Receive Facebook Comment Notification On Your Web Blog

Here's a guide for moderator how to used  comment box.  This is very important to stay alert when someone commenting or asking on your blog post.

I make it simple and basics moves this is very useful for new user of Facebook comment.

A user can choose which profile he want to used on posting a comment. to protect its identity.

First you must have working Comment Plugin on your website or blog.

Creating Your Own FB Apps

1. Create your own apps visit :

2. Now Go to Basic and fillup the following

  • Apps Domain
  • Privacy Policy and Terms and condition
  • Then save

3. Activate your App make it Public  go to App review click the Yes.

4. Now get your code scripts  for your blog

  • click Basic
  • click Quick Start

5. Now copy your Scripts here and put that on your blog .

6.  Go to your blogger  click Edit Your Template

  • Use keyboard short  ctrl+f  (shortcut for Find)
  • on the search type <body  
  • look for the body after > put your FB code and save

In addition put a meta tags

<meta content='1287499401306699' property='fb:app_id'/>
<meta content='656283007' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='' property='article:publisher'/>
<meta content='' property='article:author'/>

Red is your own app ID that your created earlier
Orange is your FB account ID number
Blue is option You can put your Page ID or your own FB account ID

Now Save Your done here


1. Visit  this link

2.  Click Setting

3. Click Moderators then search a name to be a mode on Facebook comment click Save!!

Sample here I can now recieve notification whenever there someone commenting on my post

What can a Moderator can do?

  •     Hide Comment -Hide any bad or sensitive comment
  •     Ban user - block any user that annoyed you
  •     Boost Comment - highlight  a comment sample a good comment

If  you open that Notification it will redirect you on your Facebook Application or Comment Moderation Tool page.

The admin of the Page or  Moderator can receive  Notification on hi/her Facebook when someone is commenting on the website..

Here  you can see where are the comment coming from specific post.. click the  link and you can start to drop a reply ..

You can Also mirror your Facebook comment on your Page to your website comment box like this

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